Articles with tag: arduino

DS130X Library Common Reference

- Code samples and documentation for the DS130X library common to the DS1302 and DS1307 RTCs

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DS1302 RTC with Arduino

- Using the DS1302 real-time clock (RTC) with Arduino

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SSD1306 OLED Display with Arduino

- Displaying graphics and text on the SSD1306 display with Arduino

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Ethernet I/O Controller with Arduino

- Creating a web page with the Arduino and Ethernet shield to control I/O pins

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Ethernet Shield

- Using the Ethernet shield with an Arduino as a web server

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Arduino I2C Scanner

- Scanning and listing all connected I2C devices from the Arduino

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Seven-Segment Shield

- Using the Seven-Segment Shield's display, EEPROM, temperature sensor, and RGB LED with Arduino

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LCD Keypad Shield

- Using the LCD Keypad Shield's display, backlight, and buttons with Arduino

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DS1307 RTC with Arduino

- Using the DS1307 real-time clock (RTC) with Arduino

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L293D Motor Driver with Arduino

- Controlling a motor from an Arduino using the L293D H-bridge

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Rotary Encoder with Arduino

- Using an incremental rotary encoder with Arduino

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LDR with Arduino

- Using a light-dependent resistor (LDR) with Arduino to measure brightness

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Countdown Timer

- Creating a timer with an Arduino, buzzer, keypad, and seven-segment shield

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SD Shield

- Reading and writing from an SD card with Arduino

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Arduino Clock

- A simple alarm clock with an Arduino Nano

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74HC595 Shift Register with Arduino

- Controlling LEDs from the 74HC595 shift register

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Using the USBHost Library

- Reading from a keyboard with USBHost on the Arduino Due

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- Creating a stopwatch with an Arduino and a seven-segment shield