SSD1306 OLED Display with Arduino

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arduino outputs

Displaying graphics and text on the SSD1306 display with Arduino

What is the SSD1306?

The SSD1306 is a driver chip for 128⨯64 OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays. It can support many communication interfaces, but we will be using I2C.

SSD1306 module
Even though the chip is rated at 3.3V communication, many display modules have on-board circuitry that can help it tolerate 5V. This means it can be used with both 5V and 3.3V logic.

SSD1306 Pixel Numbering

The pixels on the SSD1306 are numbered starting from the top-left corner at (0, 0), then increasing until (127, 63) in the bottom-right corner.

SSD1306 pixels

SSD1306 Column Numbering

Each column is one pixel wide.

SSD1306 pixels

SSD1306 Page Numbering

The SSD1306 has eight pages, each one being a group of pixels 8 tall and 128 wide:

SSD1306 pixels

I2C Connections to Arduino

The SSD1306 display module connects to the Arduino’s 5V, GND, SDA, and SCL pins.

You will need to know your display’s I2C address before running any code. You can run an I2C scanner program on your Arduino.

In the example code, the address is set to 0x3C. If your address is different, substitute it in for each instance of display.begin(0x3C); across the examples.


This project uses my SSD1306_I2C library. Download the library in Zip format

Drawing Graphics

Example code for drawing graphics is located at File  Examples  SSD1306_I2C  DrawGraphics, also available below.

   Sketch to demonstrate drawing basic graphics on the OLED.
   Created July 2, 2020

#include <SSD1306_I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h>

SSD1306 display;

void setup() {

  // Draw 100 pixels in random locations
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    // Coordinates are created with random()
    int x = random(0, 128);
    int y = random(0, 64);

    // Draw the pixel
    display.drawPixel(x, y, HIGH); // Draw pixel at (x, y)

  display.updateDisplay(); // Must be called after graphics methods
  delay(1500); // Delay to let the user see the graphics
  display.clear(); // Clear the display

  // Draw lines
  display.drawLine(0, 0, 70, 50, HIGH);          // With coordinates
  display.drawAngledLine(70, 50, 30, 285, HIGH); // With a coordinate, length, and angle


  // Draw rectangles
  display.drawRect(10, 15, 30, 40, HIGH, OUTLINE);          // With top-left coordinates, width, and height
  display.drawRectByCoords(20, 20, 100, 50, HIGH, OUTLINE); // With top-left and bottom-right coordinates
  display.drawRect(30, 30, 10, 15, HIGH, FILL);
  display.drawRectByCoords(60, 30, 80, 50, HIGH, FILL);


  // Draw circles with center coordinates and radius
  display.drawCircle(64, 32, 30, HIGH, OUTLINE);
  display.drawCircle(20, 20, 20, HIGH, FILL);


void loop() {}


The SSD1306 constructor takes no parameters.

Before using the SSD1306, Wire.begin must be called to initialize the I2C bus.

Initialization of the SSD1306 is done with:

begin: Starts I2C communication and sends initialization commands to the SSD1306. Takes a single parameter: the I2C address of the display.

Graphics Methods

updateDisplay sends what is in the display buffer to the SSD1306 over I2C.

This should be called after using the below graphics methods to display the results on screen. Graphics methods do not change the screen by themselves.

clear: Sets the contents of the display buffer to 0. Takes no parameters.

The methods below draw various graphics; parameters are listed under each. The following parameters are shared by multiple functions:

  1. color: How the drawn pixels appear. Use HIGH to turn them on, or LOW to turn them off.

  2. fill: If the drawn shape is filled. Use OUTLINE to draw an outline only, or FILL to fill in the shape.

drawPixel: Draws a single pixel.

  1. x: X-coordinate of the pixel

  2. y: Y-coordinate of the pixel

  3. color

drawLine: Draws a line.

  1. x0: X-coordinate of the first endpoint

  2. y0: Y-coordinate of the first endpoint

  3. x1: X-coordinate of the second endpoint

  4. y1: Y-coordinate of the second endpoint

  5. color

drawAngledLine: Draws a line given an angle and length.

  1. x: X-coordinate of the first endpoint

  2. y: Y-coordinate of the first endpoint

  3. length: Length of the line in pixels

  4. angle: Angle of the line in degrees (0: to the right, increasing values rotate clockwise)

  5. color

drawRect: Draws a rectangle.

  1. x0: X-coordinate of the top-left corner

  2. y0: Y-coordinate of the top-left corner

  3. w: Width of the rectangle in pixels

  4. h: Height of the rectangle in pixels

  5. color

  6. fill

drawRectByCoords: Draws a rectangle given the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.

  1. x0: X-coordinate of the top-left corner

  2. y0: Y-coordinate of the top-left corner

  3. x1: X-coordinate of the bottom-right corner

  4. y1: Y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner

  5. color

  6. fill

drawCircle: Draws a circle.

  1. x: X-coordinate of the center

  2. y: Y-coordinate of the center

  3. r: Radius of the circle in pixels

  4. color

  5. fill

print, println: Prints text; the latter moves the cursor to the next line.

  1. s: Data to print (can be string, char, float/double, or number in the range ±2,147,483,647)

  2. color

  3. nplaces: Number of decimal places to print (optional, only with s as float or double)

These methods accept printable characters, i.e., ASCII codes 32-126 (plus the newline and tab). Tabs are printed as 4 spaces.

println can also be called with no parameters to move the cursor only.

Drawing Text

Example code: File  Examples  SSD1306_I2C  DrawText

This code demonstrates how data and text can be printed to the screen.

   Sketch to demonstrate drawing text on the OLED.
   Created July 2, 2020

#include <SSD1306_I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h>

SSD1306 display;

void setup() {

  // Print strings
  display.println("Hello World!", HIGH);
  display.print("abcdefg", HIGH);


  // Print inverted text
  display.drawRect(10, 10, 80, 30, HIGH, FILL);
  display.setCursor(15, 20);
  display.print("Invert", LOW);


  // Print with various text sizes and cursor locations
  display.setTextSize(2);  // Characters are now twice as big
  display.setCursor(0, 0); // Top-left corner of screen
  display.print("abcd\tef", HIGH);
  display.setCursor(20, 30);
  display.print("1234", HIGH);


  // Chars and numbers can also be printed:
  display.setCursor(0, 0); // Cursor to top-left corner
  display.setTextSize(1);  // Small chars (5px by 7px)

  // Print a char
  display.print("Char: ", HIGH);
  display.println('a', HIGH); // println() moves cursor to next line

  // Print an integer
  display.print("Int: ", HIGH);
  display.println(32767, HIGH);

  // Print a long
  display.print("Long: ", HIGH);
  display.println(2147483647, HIGH);

  // Print a float
  display.print("Float: ", HIGH);
  display.println(123.45, HIGH);

  // Print a float, displayed to # of decimals
  display.println("Float to 3 decimals:", HIGH);
  display.println(123.4567, HIGH, 3);


  // Print all standard ASCII chars
  display.setCursor(0, 0); // Reset cursor

  for (int i = 0; i < 94; i++) {
    display.print((char)(i + 33), HIGH);

    // 20 chars (with text size 1) fit on one line, so make a new line if needed
    if (((i % 20) == 0) && (i != 0)) display.println();


void loop() {}
Displaying all printable characters

Size and Positioning

setTextSize: Determines the size of the text to be printed. The height of a character will be 7 times the text size, and the width will be 5 times the text size (both in pixels). The default text size is 1.

  1. size: The size of the characters to print

setCursor: Determines the location of an invisible cursor. Any text created with print or println will start at the location provided. The default cursor position is (0, 0).

  1. x: X-coordinate of the cursor’s top-left corner

  2. y: Y-coordinate of the cursor’s top-left corner

Other Control Commands

Example code: File  Examples  SSD1306_I2C  ControlCommands

This code shows various controls supported by the library, such as inverting the display and turning it on/off.

   Sketch to demonstrate various commands to send to the OLED.
   Note: None of these commands affect the display's RAM, so
   updateDisplay() isn't needed.
   Created July 2, 2020

#include <SSD1306_I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h>

SSD1306 display;

void setup() {

  // Display a filled rectangle
  display.drawRect(20, 10, 100, 40, HIGH, FILL);
  display.updateDisplay(); // Show the rectangle

  // Invert the display
  display.setInvert(true);  // Inverted display
  display.setInvert(false); // Normal display

  // Turn display off/on
  display.setState(false);  // Display off (sleep mode)
  display.setState(true); // Display on (RAM contents are displayed)

  // Turn all pixels on, then resume display
  display.displayAllOn();  // All pixels on, regardless of RAM contents
  display.resumeDisplay(); // Display what is in RAM

void loop() {}

Control Methods

The control methods below do not affect the display’s RAM or the display buffer stored in the Arduino. This means updateDisplay is not needed for these to take effect.

setInvert: Sets the inverted state of the display. When the display is not inverted, the RAM contents are displayed normally. When it is inverted, pixels that are supposed to be on turn off (and the other way around).

  1. invert: If the display is inverted: inverted if true, normal if false

setState: Turns the display on/off. When the display is on, the RAM contents are displayed. If the display is off, all pixels are turned off.

  1. on: If the display is on (display on if true, off if false)

displayAllOn: Turns all pixels of the display on, regardless of the RAM contents. Takes no parameters.

resumeDisplay: Displays what is in the RAM; normally used after the above methods. Takes no parameters.


The SSD1306 has the built-in ability to scroll. It can either scroll horizontally or horizontally and vertically (there is no vertical-only scrolling).

Example code: File  Examples  SSD1306_I2C  ScrollDisplay

   Sketch to demonstrate scrolling on the OLED.
   Created July 2, 2020

#include <SSD1306_I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h>

SSD1306 display;

void setup() {

  // Print the word "scroll" three times
  display.setCursor(0, 0);
  display.println("scroll", HIGH);
  display.println("scroll", HIGH);
  display.println("scroll", HIGH);

  // Horizontal scroll left, scroll pages 0-7, 2 frames interval
  display.setupScrollH(LEFT, 0, 7, FRAMES_2);
  display.startScroll(); // Begin scroll
  delay(2000);           // Scroll for 2 seconds
  display.stopScroll();  // Stop scrolling
  delay(500);            // Wait half a second between scrolling

  // Horizontal scroll right, scroll pages 0-7, 2 frames interval
  display.setupScrollH(RIGHT, 0, 7, FRAMES_2);

  // Vertical+horizontal scroll left and up, scroll pages 0-7, 2 frames interval
  display.setupScrollHV(LEFT, UP, 0, 7, FRAMES_2);

  // Vertical+horizontal scroll right and down, scroll pages 0-7, 2 frames interval
  display.setupScrollHV(RIGHT, DOWN, 0, 7, FRAMES_2);

  // Only scroll first page
  display.setCursor(0, 0);
  display.println("scroll", HIGH);
  display.print("no scroll", HIGH);

  // Horizontal scroll left, scroll pages 0-1, 2 frames interval
  display.setupScrollH(LEFT, 0, 1, FRAMES_2);

void loop() {}

Scrolling Setup

setupScrollH, setupScrollHV: Configures scrolling in the horizontal and 45-degree directions, respectively.

  1. dirX: Horizontal scrolling direction (use the constants LEFT or RIGHT)

  2. dirY: Vertical scrolling direction (use the constants UP or DOWN) (setupScrollHV only)

  3. start: Which page to start scrolling (0-7, inclusive)

  4. end: Which page to stop scrolling (0-7, inclusive) (must be greater than or equal to start)

  5. interval: The time interval between each scroll step, in terms of frame frequency

You may use any of the following constants for the last parameter:

  • FRAMES_2

  • FRAMES_3

  • FRAMES_4

  • FRAMES_5

  • FRAMES_25

  • FRAMES_64

  • FRAMES_128

  • FRAMES_256

The smaller the interval, the smoother the scrolling. For example, FRAMES_2 is smoother than FRAMES_25.

startScroll: Tells the display to start scrolling. Takes no parameters.

stopScroll: Tells the display to stop scrolling. Takes no parameters.

Scrolling affects the data in the display’s RAM, so to revert it to its pre-scroll state, you will have to also use this with updateDisplay.

Displaying Bitmaps

The SSD1306 can display bitmap images with a size up to 128⨯64. Bitmaps are read from arrays of unsigned char stored in PROGMEM.

Example code: File  Examples  SSD1306_I2C  DisplayBitmap

   Sketch to demonstrate displaying bitmaps on the OLED.
   Created July 2, 2020
   Modified September 28, 2020

#include <SSD1306_I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h>

SSD1306 display;

// Define bitmap of a fish (must be placed in PROGMEM)
const PROGMEM unsigned char image[] = {
  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
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void setup() {

  // Display the bitmap
  // Top-left corner is (0, 0), width is 128, height is 64, source is the 'image' bitmap
  display.displayBitmapImage(image, 0, 0, 128, 64);

void loop() {}
SSD1306 bitmap display
The fish image was taken from Shutterstock. The bitmap array was generated using image2cpp.

Loading Bitmaps

displayBitmapImage: Draws a bitmap image.

  1. img: Bitmap image to draw (array of unsigned chars in PROGMEM)

  2. x: X-coordinate of the top-left corner

  3. y: Y-coordinate of the top-left corner

  4. w: Width of the bitmap in pixels

  5. h: Height of the bitmap in pixels

displayBitmap requires your bitmap to be in PROGMEM (program memory). To do this, use the syntax below:

const PROGMEM unsigned char yourImg[] = {
  // Your image data here...

In the example, the bitmap is 128 pixels wide and 64 pixels high, and it is displayed at (0, 0).

Other Functions

Raw Commands

sendCommand: Sends a byte to the control register (0x00) of the SSD1306.

  1. x: Byte to send

A list of available commands can be found in the SSD1306 datasheet.